Kirov Street

The street is 2.25 km. long, runs south north from Masherov Ave. to Ordzhonikidze Street . It crosses Gogol Street, Pushkin Street, Mitskewich Street

The previous names:

Russian period

ulitsa Kobrinskaya named after the town of Kobrin, 50 km east of Brest.

Polish period

"ulica Kobrynska" was named after the town of Kobrin, spelled in Polish,

Soviet period

ulitsa Kirova (Kirov Street) named after a Soviet leader Sergey Kirov, who was assassinated in 1934.

Glimpses of the street

Only few old structures remained on the western side by the intersection with Pushkin Street.

Brest, Kirov Str.

Here the street crosses Pushkin Street. A grocery shop at the north western corner was built some decades ago.

Brest, Kirov Str.

to the right of the corner, further on along the western side, there were some old structures, yet this one in the picture above was pulled down in 2008 .
