Streets and Squares
Brest, Belarus

Gogol Street

The street is about 2 km long. Running from the Brest Fortress eastwards, it crosses Lenin Street, K.Marx Street, Komsomolskaya Street, Sovietskaya Street, Kuybyshev Street, Karbyshev Street, Kosmonavtov Boulevard

The previous names:

Russian period

Sredniaya ulitsa (Middle Street), since 1909 ulitsa Gogola (Gogol Street), named after Nikolai Gogol, 1809-52, a famous Russian novelist and playwright.

Polish period

ulica Kosciuszki (Kosciuszko Street)

Soviet period

ulitsa Gogola (Gogol Street)

The main attractions in the street

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str., Millennium Monument

Brest Millennium Monument was opened on July 25, 2009 at the intersection with Sovietskaya Street.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str., Millennium Monument

A view in winter

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Gogol Street is famous for an alley of sculptured streetlamps, that have been put here since 2013, celebrating the Millennium of the city. Officially, they are named the Alley of Forged Lanterns. The name however is not quite right. The alley presents real works of metal art, comprising sculptures, forged in iron, and glass lanterns, partly decorated in metal. Unlike the lanterns, the sculptures are the most meaningful part of the artistic works. Some of them are inspired by the fairy tales, legends and literature of N.Gogol. Hence another name the Alley of Literary lanterns. Today there are over 40 artistic works of this sort in the street. They were forged at the local blacksmith's workshops "Zhar-ptitsa" (Fire-Bird).

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. bench for kisses Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. bench for kisses

The bench for kisses.

 Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. bench for kisses

A cupid over the bench

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

More pictures of the Alley.

A manhole cover in Brest, Belarus, dedicated to the millennium of the city in 2018. A plumber looks out a manhole cover in Brest, Belarus

a manhole cover in the street reminds of the Brest's millennium, featuring its historic coat of arms.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

N.Gogol bust at the intersection of this street and Lenin Street.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

At the intersection of Gogol Street and Kosmonavtov Boulevard is the monument to the first Hero of Belarus, military pilot Vladimir Karvat.

Glimpses of the street

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

The biggest outdoors stadium in Brest can hold over 10,000 spectators.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

The City Center of Culture is a big venue for various cultural life and art amateur activities.

There are some rare species of trees in front of it: blue spruces, thuyas, box hedges.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.
Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Brest Music College is another culture venue nearby. It has a good concert hall. The building is between the stadium and the City Center of Culture.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

School #9 is opposite the City Center of Culture at the corner of Naganov Street. Colorado spruces greet the schoolchildren, coming to the school.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Performers of the historical reenactment of the war outbreak of 1941 are marching across Lenin Street by Gogol bust.

The houses on the southern side between Lenin Street and K.Marx Street.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

After the reconstruction in summer 2007

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

The trees in the middle of Gogol Street resemble a boulevard, they make the broad street look attractive for Bresters. It is a new shopping street.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Here Gogol Street crosses Komsomolskaya Street.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

The northern side between Komsomolskaya St. and Sovietskaya Str.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

The construction of a huge block of flats required more space and a tiny house (right) with an arch was pulled down in October 2008.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

During the construction of the block of flats the black mark on the corner of the old house on the left reminds of the arch.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

A humble replica of the arch is embedded in the facade of the new house today.

Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str. Brest, Belarus, Gogol Str.

the building of the stomatological clinics at the corner of Kuybyshev and Gogol Street.