The information from the following books was used

The title of the book "Памяць" means "Memory" in Byelorussian. It is a collection of historical texts and documents, covering all ten centuries of Brest's history. The texts are in Russian and Byelorussian. In 2 volumes. Published in Minsk by "Belta" in 1997, ISBN 985-6302-05-6Brest 1919 - 1939
Historic documents and materials, archival documents about Brest in the inter-war period. In Russian, (308 pages). In the book there are numerous inter-war documents, stored in the Brest regional Archive, ISBN 978-985-521-049-9, Brest, "Alternativa", 2009Brześć niezapomniane miasto
The book titled "Brest Unforgettable Town" was written in Polish by Danuta Waszczukowna-Kamieniecka
Printed by Caldra House Ltd, 23 Coleridge Street, Hove, Sussex BN3 5AB. This book provides a lot of valuable information about the inter-war Brest, because the author spent her childhood in this city.
Obrońcy Twierdzy Brzeskiej we wrześniu 1939 roku
This book deals with the Defenders of the Brest Fortress in September 1939, written by Jerzy Sroka in Polish, published in Biała Podlaska, 1992.В поисках утраченноговремени
A series of books titled "In the Search of the By-Gone Time" was written in Russian by Vasiliy Sarychev, a local prominent journalist. The books provide a lot of interesting photos and life stories of Brest inhabitants before WW2 and during WW2.
Book Three was published in 2009
Книга третья, 2009 год ISBN 978-985-524-015-1
Book Four was published in 2011
Книга четвертая, 2011 год ISBN 978-985-524-075-5

Book Five was published in 2013
Книга пятая, 2013 год.
Book Six was published in 2017
Книга шестая, 2017 год.
All the books of the series were printed in Brest at the print house "Brestskaya tipografiya".Книга третья, 2009 год ISBN 978-985-524-015-1

Book Four was published in 2011
Книга четвертая, 2011 год ISBN 978-985-524-075-5

Book Five was published in 2013
Книга пятая, 2013 год.

Book Six was published in 2017
Книга шестая, 2017 год.

A series of the articles by V.Sarychev about the Brest ghetto in 1941 - 1942.